IGR – Italian Gemological Review #11 – Winter 2020-21

You can purchase IGR – Italian Gemological Review Issue #11 with the 2020 subscription.

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  • Collecting the Literature of Jade. A journey from east to west (Richard W. Hughes and Eric Hoffman)

includes the insert:

  • What is jade? (Stefania Coppola)
  • An overview of Chinese jade ritual artifacts (Domenico Angelino)
  • Some introductory notes to jadeite grading (Stefania Coppola)
  • The state-controlled jade industry is causing tragic disasters in Myanmar (Domenico Angelino)
  • Jade identification with traditional equipment (Francesco Sequino)
  • Advanced jadeite identification with spectrophotometry (Alberto Scarani)

  • From the analyst’s notebook. Biron synthetic emerald and its identification (Carlo Cumo)

Purchase your copy: visit the Shop!


  • The correct caption of the cover picture is: “Pink, white, fancy yellow and brown rough diamonds mined in Mothae mine, Kingdom of Lesotho. From left to right: 18.55 ct (white), 1.09 ct (pink), 17.30 ct (light brown), 4.51 ct (fancy yellow), 30.21 ct (white). (Photo: Lucapa Diamond Company Limited)”
  • Due to a technical error beyond our control, the name of Mr. William H. Hanneman as reported in the headlines of the article published on IGR issue #11, International Edition, page 23, has been mistakenly typed as “William H. Henneman”. We apologize and are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you very much for your understanding.